Our workWe help our clients meet their sustainability goals.
Featured Project
One Planet Saanich
CHRM, with OneEarth Initiative engages stakeholders to help them develop and implement sustainability plans – we provide guidance and encourage collaborative action through a peer network.
Our goal in this project is to unite our community and organizations within the community around a vision of sustainability – helping them focus on key impact areas that will help us all get to one planet living in our community.
Our core partner, the District of Saanich is the anchor stakeholder in our efforts, and we have the full support of Mayor and council and staff in the sustainability department. They are taking action within Saanich and also supporting stakeholders undertake their own actions.

CHRM currently leads three progressive sustainability initiatives:
- Ecocity Peer Network which is helping BC local governments understand and act on their ‘consumption-based’ emissions and ecological footprints (including Greater Vancouver, Greater Victoria, and other cities across BC)
- One Planet Saanich which engages businesses, community organizations and schools in developing ‘One Planet Living’ sustainability actions plans; and
- Greater Victoria 2030 District, which has engaged leading property managers in creating a hub of high performing buildings.
Recent Projects
Greater Victoria 2030 District, ongoing
CHRM is collaborating with BOMA BC to develop a thriving hub of high performance buildings. Currently, consisting of 11 property managers, 39 buildings, 3.6 million sq ft – the District spans Saanich and Victoria and includes major property managers in the region.
We have secured their commitment to reduce GHG emissions by 50% by 2030
helping them evaluate their energy and GHG impacts; and determining a pathway to reduce emissions.
We unite the private and public sector in catalyzing transformative change to achieve this goal. The goal is to expand and add new members and buildings while including efforts on transportation emissions and water use reduction.
ecoCity Peer Network, ongoing
CHRM is supporting BC communities in becoming cities that are socially just within the ecological limits of our planet.
We help them evaluate and action on their ecological footprint and consumption based greenhouse gas emissions.
Saanich, Victoria and CRD are all anchor cities in this network; and Saanich in particular has become a leader in taking action.
In part this leadership centres around the District’s anchoring of One Planet Saanich; which is another initiative that I lead.
ecoCity Footprint Tool, ongoing
CHRM is the project manager for a BCIT led piloting of the ecoCity Footprint Tool, a tool which creates Consumption Based Emission Inventories and ecological footprint assessments at the community level. To date, CHRM has conducted 30+ CBEI inventories and 12+ ecological footprint assessments.
Lighter Footprint App, ongoing
CHRM is the project manager for development and testing of the Lighter Footprint app – which will enable users to evaluate the ecological footprint and consumption-based emission impacts of their lifestyles.
Catalyzing Lighter Living, ongoing
Since 2019, CHRM has worked with OneEarth to help Vancity identify ways to catalyze lighter living throughout the credit union’s service regions.
Beacon for Sustainable Living (with OneEarth), ongoing
CHRM is serving as an advisor and team member on this initiative which is exploring ways to effectively communicate about and engage in sustainable lifestyle transformations.
Video: Carbon budgets, targets and our progress to net zero
In October 2023, Ryan Mackie presented to the Climate Caucus on how current greenhouse gas emissions targets and carbon budgeting stand up to the latest climate science, and the importance of a consumption-based approach. He also shared an assessment of our progress to date on the transition to net zero.
Webinar: Role of Cities in Advancing Sustainable Lifestyles
In May 2023, CHRM hosted an Ecocity Webinar titled “The Role of Cities in Advancing Sustainable Lifestyles”. The webinar explored how local governments and their partners can advance sustainable lifestyles to act on climate, justice, and biodiversity. These lifestyle changes, supported by the right policies, infrastructure and technologies, will be pivotal in the transformative change needed to address our climate and ecological challenges. The good news is that these changes will also improve our health and well-being.
Metro Vancouver Regional Consumption-Based Emission Inventory, 2021
CHRM led the development of a regional CBEI for Metro Vancouver, aligned with the GPC protocol.
Municipal Natural Assets Initiative (MNAI) Implementation Study, 2021
CHRM (with Wrangelia Consulting) evaluated opportunities for MNAI to support municipalities that are progressing to the implementation phase of Natural Assets Management.
2020 - 2019 Projects
- ecoCity Business Network, Vancity, 2018-19: Explored ways for businesses to work with local governments to achieve ecocities – in which cities, and the businesses within them are thriving within the Earth’s limited ecological resources.
- Zero Waste Strategy, City of Victoria, 2019: Worked as part of a consulting team (sub to Delphi) to develop foundational research and a framework for a Zero Waste Strategy for the City of Victoria.
- Surrey Single Use Item Strategy, City of Surrey, 2019: Worked as part of a consulting team (sub to Delphi) to develop a SUI strategy for the City of Surrey.
- Brief on Key Plastics Commitments, Circular Economy Leadership Coalition, 2019: research and analysis of best practices of plastics commitments and make recommendations for a Canadian plastics pact.
- Ecological Footprint Assessment of a Neighbourhood Development, City of Guelph (with Urban Equation), 2019: Prepared an Ecological Footprint assessment for a ‘One Planet Living’ neighbourhood development in the City of Guelph and comparison with the city baseline.
2018 - 2016 Projects
- Circular Cities Scan, National Zero Waste Council, 2018: Undertook a best practices scan of efforts to embed circular economy principles and objectives into local government planning.
- Global Report of National Sustainable Consumption and Production Policies and Initiatives, UNEP (with One Earth Society), 2017: Subcontracted by OneEarth to contribute to the Global Report of National Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Policies and Initiatives. The primary objectives of the report based on a global survey are to take stock and establish a baseline of national SCP policies and initiatives worldwide. Contributed to the Canadian chapter of the report, in particular providing research, writing and strategic support towards the report.
- Climate Action Strategy, Capital Regional District (with Pinna Sustainability), 2016: Acted as an advisor and consultant in developing a Climate Action Strategy for the Capital Region of BC. The strategy provides a vision and goals to focus climate action efforts, a set of actions that are within the spheres of influence of the District, and an implementation and monitoring framework.
- Submission to BC’s Climate Leadership Plan Consultation Process, Sustainable Prosperity, 2016: Prepared a submission to BC’s Climate Leadership Plan Consultation Process on behalf of Sustainable Prosperity, focusing on recommendations for supporting tools required by local governments.
- Energy Efficiency Code for Existing Buildings White Paper, RDH Building Science Inc., 2016: Sub-contracted to contribute local government expertise to the White Paper; identified co-benefits and complementary programs to support implementation of a new energy efficiency code for existing buildings in British Columbia.
- Long-term Energy Strategy, Capital Regional District, 2015-2016: Worked with the CRD Roundtable on the Environment to advise on a long-term energy strategy for the CRD.
2015 and Earlier Projects
- Sharing Economy Roadmap, One Earth, 2015: Advisor and author in the development of a Sharing Economy Road Map and “Sustainability Filter” to help local governments identify opportunities to leverage Sharing Economy activities to contribute to sustainability objectives. Sections authored include: Shared Energy, Shared Food, Municipal Sharing, Business-to-Business Sharing.
- Lessons Learned from BC’s Climate Action Plan: A Policy Brief, Sustainable Prosperity, 2015: Prepared policy brief on lessons learned from BC’s Climate Action Plan, with respect to tools the province implemented to support local government action.
- UL Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy, UL Environment, 2014: Contracted to support an internal team in producing an enterprise-wide CSR Strategy. The project included a materiality assessment, a review of future trends and best practices, identification of performance metrics, and a stakeholder engagement process to establish a vision, objectives, signature programs and tactics.
Recent Presentations
Centre for Ecocities Webinar Series, Ongoing
Host and facilitator of the Ecocity Peer Network webinar series, aimed at advancing the knowledge and capacity of those that work with local governments to advance sustainability in their communities, sessions to-date:
- Engaging Stakeholders with the Results, May 2021
- Embodied Emissions of Buildings, February 2021
- Exploring results from piloting the ecoCity Footprint Tool, November 2020
UN-Habitat Innovate4Cities, October 2021
Consumption-based sustainability metrics help local governments understand their fair share of climate action
Cora Hallsworth led a session with Brad Badelt, Assistant Director of Sustainability with the City of Vancouver, and Glenys Verhulst, Sustainability Planner with the District of Saanich. They discussed how ecological footprints and consumption-based emissions inventories help cities take action on climate mitigation.
City of Port Moody Climate Action Committee, May 31, 2021
Presented on consumption-based sustainability metrics and the One Planet Living model.
Cascadia Innovation Corridor Virtual Forum, May 18, 2021
Introduced the concept of modern ecocities and bridged into a discussion among city sustainability leaders, industry and educators from B.C., Washington and Oregon on new approaches and ways to collaborate to achieve shared sustainability goals.
Royal Roads University, February 11, 2021
Cora was a guest lecturer for ENSC 301, Sustainable Development Series, School of Environment and Sustainability, focused on ecological footprinting and CBEIs.
Local Government Leadership Academy: Sustainability and Climate Roundtable, Feb 2021
Presented to BC Mayors and Councilors on the One Planet Cities initiative and the use of advanced metrics (consumption-based emissions inventories and ecological footprinting).
Canadian Centre for Environmental Health (University Health Network), Sep 22, 2020
Presented on the One Planet Cities initiative.
City of North Vancouver, Climate and Environment Task Force, Sep 8, 2020
Presented on consumption-based sustainability metrics and the One Planet Living model.
Public Health Summer Institute: Think Globally, Act Locally - Public Health and the Anthropocene, Jul 2020
Presented on consumption-based sustainability metrics and the One Planet Living model.
Frameworks for Change, Climate Caucus, May 2020
Presented to BC Mayors and Councilors on the sustainability planning frameworks and tools – including an overview of the one planet living framework, the ecoCity Footprint Tool and Lighter Footprint App.
Building a One Planet City, Region and Island, South Island Climate Action Network, Apr 2020
Presented lessons learned from One Planet Saanich and about opportunities to expand to the region.
Creating ‘One Planet’ Communities: Applying eco-social principles locally, Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health in Canada, Jan 2020
Presented lessons learned from One Planet Saanich and about opportunities to expand to the region.
One Planet Presentations
- Prospect Lake Community Association AGM October 16, 2019
- South Island Prosperity Partnership, September 10, 2019
- First Unitarian Church of Victoria, February 17, 2019
ICLEI Livable Cities Forum, Victoria, BC, The Circular Economy ~ Creating Climate Resilient Economies Session, Sep 2017
Session presenter, profiling Cora’s work with BCIT, pilot testing a consumption-based emission inventory and ecological footprinting tool, and discussed opportunities for these inventories to inform sustainable consumption policy.